1. Java Script
2. ECMA Script i.e. ES7
3. Type Script
o TypeScript Installation, Configuration & Compilation
o Type Annotations
o Classes
o Scoping using let, var, and const Keywords
o Arrow Functions
o ES Modules
o Decorators
o Template Literals
o Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters
o Destructuring
1. Introduction
2. Environment Setup
3. Node Package Manager
4. Callbacks
5. Events and Event Loop
6. Streams and Buffers
7. Express Framework
8. Introduction to MongoDb
9. Connecting Node.js to Database
10. Mongoose Module
11. Creating Rest APIs
1. Introduction
2. Installation of Node package manager (npm)
3. Express Generator
4. Static files
5. Routing
6. HTTP Methods
7. Writing Middleware
8. Using Middleware
9. Using template engines
10. Error handling
11. Cookies
12. Session
13. Directory Structure
1. Overview
o *NoSQL*
o What is MongoDB?
o JSON primer
o When & why should you use MongoDB?
2. Installation and Administration
o Java Environment
o Installing MongoDB
o Starting and stopping MongoDB server
o The JavaScript console
3. MongoDB Basics
o Servers
o Databases
o Collections
o Documents / Objects
o Indexes
4. Clients and drivers (Overview and integration)
5. Building applications with MongoDB
o Overview
o Getting started
o Examples and labs
6. Advanced querying
o Projections
o Conditional operators
o Limit and skip
o Aggregation and grouping
o Map / reduce
7. Security and Authentication (Overview and Best-practices)
8. Performance and scaling
o Master / slave
o Sharding
o Profiler
o Import / Export and backup strategies
9. GridFS
2. CSS
3. Java Script
4. ECMA Script i.e. ES7
5. Type Script
o TypeScript Installation, Configuration & Compilation
o Type Annotations
o Classes
o Scoping using let, var, and const Keywords
o Arrow Functions
o ES Modules
o Decorators
o Template Literals
o Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters
o Destructuring
6. Ajax
Angular Framework
1. Angular Overview
2. Single-page Web Application Architectures vs. Traditional Server-side
3. Angular Architecture
4. Your First Angular Application
5. Components
6. Angular Modules (NgModule)
7. Project Set-Up (Using the Angular CLI) and Creating a New Project
8. Data Binding (One-way and Two-way)
9. Interpolation, Property binding, Event binding
10. Directives( Structural: ngFor, ngIf, ngSwitch , Attribute: ngClass, ngStyle)
11. Pipes
12. Component Communication using @Input, @Output
13. Component Lifecycle Hooks
14. Services & Dependency Injection
15. TemplateDriven Form, Model-driven Forms (Reactive Forms)
16. Communicating with the Server using the HttpClient Service
17. Deciding between Promises or Observables (RxJS)
18. Router
19. Deploying an Angular Application to Production
20. Unit Testing (Tools: Jasmine, Karma)
React with Redux
1. Basic Understanding of React Framework
2. DOM, Virtual DOM
3. Components
4. Context
5. Routes
6. Hooks
7. ReduxStore
8. Axios
9. Debug React Application using Browser Extensions/Tools
10. Chrome Browser developer console debugging
Front End Testing
1. Angular (Karma, Chai, Mocha, Sinnon)
2. React (Jest with Enzyme)
3. Java script (Jasmin)
Web Services Testing
1. Swagger
2. Postman
3. Advance Rest Client
Creational Pattern
1. Factory Design Pattern
2. Singelton Design Pattern
3. Prototye Design Pattern
4. Builder Design Pattern
Structural Pattern
1. Adapter Design Pattern
2. Bridge Design Pattern
3. Decorator Design Pattern
4. Facade Design Pattern
5. Proxy Design Pattern
Behavioral Pattern
1. Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern
2. Command Design Pattern
3. Iterator Design Pattern
4. Mediator Design Pattern
5. Observer Design Pattern
6. Interpreter Design Pattern
1. JWT Security
2. OAUTH2 Security
1. GitHub
2. Jenkins
3. Docker
4. Kubernatives
5. AWS
o EC2
o BeansTalk
o S3 Buckets
1. Monolithic vs Microservices architectures
2. 12 Factor App
3. when to go for Microservices
4. Future of Microservices
5.Netflix Architecture
o Eureka
o Ribbon
o Hystrix
o Zuul
o Kafka
6. Deployment of Microservices in Docker and AWS
1. View Layer
2. Controller Layer
3. Service Layer
4. DAO Layer
1. Ecommerce Project Similar as Amazon
2. Social Media project similar to Facebook
3. Hospital Management similar to Fortis
1. Front End (Visual Studio Code and Sublime)
2. Backend (Visual Studio Code and Sublime)
Training Materials written by Rajesh Upadhyay will be shared as a soft copy
Interview Preparation Includes :
o coding test
o soft skills
o question and answer list prepared by RKCP
Ramu Das
I had a good learning experience with RKCP. The lifetime access to course content has impressed me a lot. The live sessions by expert trainers were helpful and all my doubts were cleared. Thank you RKCP.