Introduction to Blockchain
1. Challenges Faced by Modern Businesses
2. What is Blockchain?
4. Building Blocks of Blockchain
5. Types of Blockchain
6. Knowledge Check
Blockchain Pillars
1. Introduction to Blockchain Pillars
2. Cryptography
3. Consensus
4. Distributed Ledger
5. Send a Message Using Symmetric Cryptography
6. Sign a Message Using Asymmetric Cryptography
7. Generate Hash Using Hash function
8. Generate a Nonce Value
9. Working on Distributed Ledger
10. Working on Blockchain Transaction
11. Create Blockchain Network
Bitcoin Blockchain
1. Introduction to Bitcoin
2. Bitcoin Wallets
3. Bitcoin Block
4. Bitcoin Transaction
5. Bitcoin Scripts
6. Bitcoin Attacks
7. Bitcoin Network
8. Bitcoin Mining
9. Install a Software Wallet (combine software and web wallet)
10. Generate a Paper Wallet
11. Generate a Web Wallet
12. Review and Analyze a Bitcoin Block on Explorer
13. Analyze a Bitcoin Transaction
14. Conduct a Transaction Using Electrum Wallet
Ethereum Blockchain
1. Introduction to Ethereum
2. Swarm and whisper
3. Remix IDE
4. Truffle Framework
5. Ethereum Networks
6. Ethereum Wallets
7. Ethereum Clients
8. Web3.js
9. NFT
10. Exploring the Ethereum Mainnet
11. Explore an Ethereum Test Network
12. Install the Ganache Blockchain
13. Explore the Ganache Blockchain
14. Install Metamask and Set up the Wallet
15. Connect Metamask to a Ganache Test Network
16. Install Geth Client
17. Set up a Private Blockchain node Network using geth
18. Ether Transaction Using Metamask
Enterprises Blockchain
1. Enterprise Blockchain
2. Hyperledger
3. Hyperledger Sawtooth
4. Hyperledger Iroha
5. Hyperledger Indy
6. Hyperledger Burrows
7. Hyperledger Fabric
8. Hyperledger Fabric Transaction
9. Fabric Network
10. Fabric Network Types
11. Fabric Explorer
12. Node Js
13. R3 Corda
14. Corda Network
15. Setup Hyperledger Fabric Prerequisite
16. Setup Hyperledger Fabric
17. Start and stop test network and Explorer
18. Create Node Js Application
19. Create a Web Application using the Expressjs file approach
20. Create Web Application using Expressjs Node Project Approach
21. Transform the Supply Chain
Ethereum Smart Contracts
1. Smart Contract Lifecycle
2. Solidity
3. Solidity Variables
4. Solidity Compilation and Deployment
5. Solidity Functions
6. Truffle
7. Security Consideration
8. Web3
9. Generate the ABI and Bytecode of a Smart Contract
10. Deploy a Smart Contract to Ganache Network
11. Develop a Smart contract that stores ethers and transfers to a personal account
12. Price Event Smart Contract
13. Develop a Property Transfer Smart Contract using Remix IDE
14. Create a Custom Token and Deploy it on Ropsten Network
15. Truffle Setup and create a project
16. Truffle Create MarketPlace contract
15. Compile MarketPlace contract
16. Deploy MarketPlace contract
17. Access Smart Contracts Functions from the Frontend
18. Creating a Custom Bank Contract
Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode
1. Chaincode
2. Gradle
3. Chaincode Java API
4. Chaincode Development
5. Chaincode Package, Install, Approve
6. Set up Development Prerequisites
7. Create New Gradle Project for Car Showroom
8. Create Chaincode for Car Showroom
9. Package the Chaincode
10. Install the Chancode
11. Approve the Chancode
12. Commit the Chancode
13. Access Chaincode Functions
14. Chaincode Lifecycle steps from a shell file
15. Develop Chaincode for Property Ownership Application
Hyperledger Fabric SDK
1. Fabric SDK Introduction
2. Node SDK
3. Enroll Admin User
4. Register and Enroll Client User
5. Access Chaincode Functions
6. Create Node Project and add dependencies
7. Enroll admin user to the network
8. Enroll register and enroll client users to the network
9. Access Chaincode Functions using Rest API
10. Access Property Ownership Chaincode using Java SDK
1. Introduction to Multichain
2. Multichain Installation
3. Create a Multichain Instance
4. Multichain Assets
5. Multichain Streams
6. Multichain Consensus
7. Multichain API
8. Set up Multichain in the Local Machine
9. Create Multichain Instance with Two Nodes
10. Create a Multichain Asset and Transfer It
11. Create a Multichain Stream to Publish Data
12. Perform Mining in Multichain
13. Access Functions Using Multichain API
14. Create a Private Multichain Blockchain
IOTA and Blockchain use cases
1. Introduction to IOTA
2. Traditional Blockchain
3. Challenges
4. Healthcare Use Cases
5. Government Use Cases
6. Finance Use Cases
7. Supply Chain Use Cases
Capstone Project 1: Farm Supply Chain
Capstone Project 2: Decentralized Patient Record Storage
Capstone Project 3: Trade Finance
Capstone Project 4 : Voting with Blockchain
Training Materials written by Rajesh Upadhyay will be shared as a soft copy
Interview Preparation Includes :
o coding test
o soft skills
o question and answer list prepared by RKCP
Ramu Das
I had a good learning experience with RKCP. The lifetime access to course content has impressed me a lot. The live sessions by expert trainers were helpful and all my doubts were cleared. Thank you RKCP.